Monday, November 3, 2008


With an presidential election pending and the US Congress working on a rescue bill ( it passed the Senate last night) the talk of the town is the economy. What does the state of the economy mean for us home business owners? Are we in a good position? What can we do to take advantage of this state of the economy?This is a great time for home business owners. So many companies are laying people off and the job market is bleak. Many of those leads we buy or generate ourselves will be of people taking a more serious look at home businesses. Just this past week a local fitness club in the Delaware are called Leisure Fitness went bankrupt. A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting the owner at a Chamber of Commerce mixer. This was after she had won businesswoman of the year here in Delaware. Now her company has filed for bankruptcy. Now all of her employees are in positions with no jobs. Many dont know how they will survive. Well imagine if they could work from home? Many home based opportunities are relatively inexpensive to start and the upside is unlimited. Money Travel Time and Freedom is what we offer in Coastal. What about businesses at this time? They are all feeling a crunch for customers so why not show them how they can use our package to draw customers to their doors. We can do that very simply with our package. Timing is everything and success is when opportunity meets preparedness. Well now is the time as the opportunity has presented itself. The question is are you prepared to take on the challenge. Ive got my ducks in a row and am grabbing the bull by the horns. What about you? As always my door is open to anyone looking for simple ideas to increase their business. Stay tuned as I divulge more tips and strategies in the upcoming weeks.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's learn about Coastal Vacations

Welcome from the A-Team. Either you have been invited to this site or have come across it as part of our advertising campaigns. We thank you for attending our site and congratulate you on taking the first step in getting all the info on this incredible travel package and business opportunity. Below are two videos. One is a video explaining the travel package itself and the second is a video going over the business opportunity. We encourage you to look over these videos and take notes. In our next conversation we can go over any questions.

Also on the right hand side of the page are two links we suggest looking at as well. One is a written outline of the travel package. It explains the contents and is a good compliment to the product video. Next is a link to many receipts we have obtained from various members that have used the travel package. Look them both over thoroughly.

If you are someone that was contacted directly by us then you understand the importance of following all the steps and looking at all the info. After you have done your research it is imperative you give us a call ( 302 613 4632 ) or email us @

If you happened on this site by chance then you have the luck of the Irish as you have stumbled on the best travel package and opportunity on the market. Now the ball is in your court. Contact us to go over your options.



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