Thursday, March 31, 2011

Marketing Your Business With Video – 7 Benefits


You’ve heard that using video to market your business can bring incredible results. But do the benefits outweigh the effort it takes to put your video online? In a word, Yes! Shooting a video, editing and formatting it, uploading it to the internet with the right title and description takes a bit of time. But the payoff for video marketing can be tremendous. Here are seven real benefits of marketing with video:

1.Personal Connection – Especially for internet based businesses, the personal connection with your potential market is a huge selling factor. With video, your audience can truly get to know you, eye-to-eye. They get to see that you are indeed a real, live person. They start building a deeper relationship with you and feel as if they actually have met you.

2.Social proof – There’s an old proverb: “Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” On the internet it’s so easy to be a fake and a fraud. People are skeptical about claims they read online, and rightfully so. But video puts a face to your words and makes you more believable and trustworthy.

3.Traffic – People are watching 2 BILLION videos per day on YouTube alone! That’s a whole lot of traffic you’re missing if you’re not marketing yourself with video. It’s free and easy to add your video to a large number of the video sites available online.

4.Emotional Influence – The classic horror movie is a great example of how the audio has an emotional effect on us. The creepy music comes in, immediately cluing you in that something bad is about to happen. Now, imagine combining that audio with powerful video cues to influence the emotions of the listener and create a much more compelling message than with just text alone.

5.Portability – Maybe even more so then articles and ebooks, video is portable. iPhones, Smartphones, iPads and all kinds of other devices allow video to be seen on the go. You can also allow people to download video easily so they can view it over and over again.

6.Demonstrations – Reviews, case studies and examples are great ways to sell products and services. It’s the reason why infomercials make millions of dollars. Now there’s no need for you to be as annoying as the Sham-Wow guy to make money with video; you just need to create videos that show and tell your potential customers why your product will be helpful for them.

7.Engagement – There are many reports available online to show that video boosts response and conversion rates. When someone is watching a video, you have their full attention – eyes and ears. Unlike with the written word, they’re not likely skip ahead or gloss over important information. Most people will watch a video from beginning to end, allowing you to clearly create a message and call to action that engages your audience.
Overall, video is an effective marketing strategy that is only growing in popularity. Since video is here to stay, it’s time to check out the options and see how quick and easy video marketing can be.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Treating your business as a business means learning to adapt. New technology is always coming out and we must be able to embrace it. Look at traditional businesses like fast food. With the big push on health many restaurants now have meals that are much better for our bodies. They have adapted. Do you do the same? Email marketing is forever changing. Phone calling is changing. B2B presentations are different than when I got in sales. You must learn to adapt.

This is the hardest part of any business. To learn how to embrace change and implement it without slowing down production can be hard to juggle. Take Contact Talk. I don't have the program but have been talking to many that have it. The going thing is that it takes some time to learn it. Many are faster learners than others so the slower learners will be taking time away from other business activities to get the jist of the program. That time can result in slower production. So you have to learn to weigh implementing new technology. My usual method is to have new technology overlap with my older technology. By this I mean test out new stuff before you do away with the old way.

As you will continue to see I will always give examples of traditional business. It seems to me with all the downsizing and outsourcing of jobs that some day home based business will be traditional business. The good thing is the same principles always work. Give people good service for a fair price. Buy merchandise at wholesale and sell retail. Give customers what they want.

I know that as you change your mindset about business you will see incredible result. In fact I feel sorry for many business owners I meet. There is a meat market in my town that my wife and I frequent. As we go there often we have gotten friendly with the owner and the fact we are business owners as well has come up. As we talked about us being in travel his eyes lit up. We asked where he would like to go and when and his response was ill be going on vacation in about 2 years from now. I asked why so long and he explained that he has no one he can trust to run the business in his absence. That is painful. Here is someone living the so called American dream that cant even enjoy the fruits of is labor.

I am so happy we are in the industry we are in. I get up when I want, go to bed when I want and live the lifestyle I want. What better life could I ask for. I get to interact with so many incredible people and learn as I go. If you want the best life you can have then get in a home based business like Coastal and treat it like a business and get ready for amazing rewards and blessings.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Treat Coastal Vacations like a business 2

What is a business? A business is where you have a service to offer and you exchange that service for something in return. Now for someone to want your service they must first have a need for what you do. I will refer to that as the "WHY". Now understand for them to give you some sort of 'CURRENCY" your service must be worthy. Would you spend your money on a new car if it didnt look new? Probably not ( some savvy buyers would use that as a opportunity to get a lower price). This exactly what happens when the perceived value of a product is lowered. You get haggling. Have any of you ever tried to haggle the price of a makeover in a beauty salon? Not many do they just pay the posted prices on services. You see they have established themselves as a viable business with a valuable product and you will even wait weeks to get an appointment to pay their price. They treat their business as a business and people act accordingly.

I have never had problems with the money issue when it comes to prospects. I saw Coastal for the value is was right in the beginning. 5 cruises for $1295. That's a no-brainer. When I talk to a client I show them the value of the product. When they understand value they are willing to exchange their "CURRENCY" as now they have a big enough "WHY". I treat Coastal like the business it is. When I do that prospects act accordingly.

Many of my teammates and associates work Coastal part-time. I give them the salon talk all the time. I assure them if they direct someone through the info and let them know you have specific hours for your business the serious prospects will follow the instructions. It indirectly conveys a few ideas to them.

1- First off they see you are serious as you act professional and have hours of operations.

2- It lets them know they can do they same. So many of us have way too busy lives so the last thing we need is another something to intrude on our lives.

Again business owners understand this. Why do you think drive thru fast food stores do so well. Its the convenience. As you show a prospect that this business is an enhancement to their lives and not just an addition you will see your finances and time freedom soar.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Treat Coastal Vacations like a business

Treat your Coastal Business as a business. That is rule number one. So many people think well I only spent $1295 and I dont have employees or a storefront so this cant be a real business. Well folks that is as far from the truth as can be. This is the new wave of business. Automation and the internet have changed the way business is done. You need to change your mindset and understand that business is now a global industry and the number one tool is the computer.

How can I treat my business as a business? Well first you have to model it after a traditional business. What does that mean you ask? Okay in any business you need a product, our product is travel. Respect that you are part of the 7 trillion dollar industry that it is. When you respect something you treat it correctly.

As a business you need to make hours of operation. Marketing strategies need to be implemented. A plan has to be in place. As a serious business owner these things must be your top priority. I look at my business as a billion dollar empire and one day it will pay me that way. I know thats a lofty expectation but hey I shoot for a billion and get a million well ill still be happy. If you have Bentley in your driveway how would you treat it? Well Coastal can be that Bentley.

Businesses have budgets so have one for your Coastal business. This is not a hobby. Many people have made 6 figures and some 7 figures in this business. Look at your expenses. See what your assets are as well as what your liabilities are. Understand and learn the business of business. Learn to barter services with other business owners. I cant tell you how many times Ive bartered a great trip for a service. Give a printer at a print shop a much needed vacation and get your fliers in exchange. Maybe you can get business cards. I have even bartered trips for ad space as well as to secure rooms for a presentation. You have a business with an unlimited supply of inventory. Use that inventory.

I understand how valuable my business is. It's like being the best looking person in the party. You know you have what everyone wants so you are the hunted. Act accordingly. Understand you are important and have something to offer. So many of us get desperate and chase people. We need that next sale so bad we lose our composure. Never be that person. When you are desperate the people feel it and will string you along. You lose all of your posture. Remember you offer a service that everyone loves. You offer it at an incredible price.

This is my first tidbit of information on how to treat Coastal as a business. Stay tuned as I share my experiences and help all that are looking at this incredible opportunity.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


If I could bottle a pill and sell happiness my wealth would put Oprah and Bill Gates to shame. As children we are always so happy but as adults the weight of the world seems to keep us from finding that magical place. So what can we all do to increase our happiness.


I understand that many of the people in the world don't believe in GOD but HE exist and is in control. As we focus on HIM and put HIM first he will lead us to happiness and contentment.


I am the first to admit that all of the material things that I desire are not in my possession yet but GOD has given me all I need and I need to be thankful. As I become more thankful I appreciate what I have and focus on it and the result is happiness.


As we do for others the feeling that we receive is amazing. Ever volunteer for people less fortunate than ourselves? When we do it makes us understand how blessed we are and that in turn brings us happiness.


It takes so much more effort to frown than to smile. You can disarm the most difficult of situations by just smiling. I have used this to my advantage over and over again. Try it out yourself and see.

Happiness is within all of our grasp. You just have to focus on what you have and not what you don't have. I encourage you all to read the Bible and look at how it talks about how we think and being thankful. So much has been said and done about THE SECRET and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Well the source of all that knowledge is the Bible.


Friday, March 25, 2011

The Law of Attraction - It's About Frequency

Many of us have heard of the Law of Attraction - that like attracts like. However, many are confused about what this really means.
In my experience, like attracts like means that like frequency attracts like frequency. My high frequency attracts the things I want and my low frequency attracts the things I don't want.
The question then becomes, what raises or lowers frequency?
Anything that makes you feel down lowers your frequency. Here is a list of what I have found lowers frequency:
* INTENT TO CONTROL - When your desire is to control your feelings, as well as others and outcomes, you are operating out of your wounded self, which lowers your frequency. Even positive thoughts can lower your frequency when your intent is to control rather than be loving to yourself and others.
* NEGATIVE THINKING, RESENTMENT, JUDGMENT AND SELF-JUDGMENT - The lies you tell yourself from your ego wounded self lower your frequency. Feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, shame, jealousy, and envy all have a low frequency, so any thought that comes from false beliefs and that creates these feelings lowers your frequency.
* RESISTANCE - The fear of being controlled by others, by God, or even by yourself, creates resistance, which lowers the frequency.
* ALCOHOL - While people might convince themselves that they raise their frequency when drinking, this is not true. Just because it may lower your stress, doesn't mean it raises your frequency.
* PRESCRIPTION DRUGS - Since prescription drugs are alien to the body, the body has to work to deal with them, which causes a lowering of frequency.
* RECREATIONAL DRUGS - A few recreational drugs - the kinds of drugs that indigenous people used infrequently to connect with Spirit - can raise your frequency for a short period of time. But frequent use has the opposite effect.
* FOOD - Fresh, whole organic food has a high frequency, but processed foods have a low frequency and lower the frequency of your body.
* LACK OF EXERCISE - Our bodies are meant to move; not moving lowers your frequency.
* LACK OF SLEEP - It is hard to have a high frequency when you don't get enough sleep.
* LACK OF WATER - Dehydration creates huge stress on the body, which lowers the frequency.
* NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT - It is often hard to maintain a positive attitude when in a negative environment. We are affected both positively and negatively by others' frequency.
* INTENT TO LEARN - Our free will to choose our intent in any given moment is the most powerful choice we have. Choosing to learn about loving ourselves and others, rather than choosing to protect/avoid/control is the major way we have of raising our frequency. This is why, when we think positively from an intent to control, in an attempt to manifest what we want, we are often not successful, as anything done from the intent to control - even positive thinking - lowers the frequency.
* POSITIVE THINKING - This might seem like a contradiction to the statement above, but it is about intent. When your intent in thinking positively is to be loving to yourself and support your highest good, this raises your frequency. When your intent in positive thinking is to control others and outcomes, then it lowers your frequency.
* FOOD - Fresh whole foods that are in alignment with your metabolism and that support your health, raise your frequency.
* EXERCISE - Exercise that you love and that makes you feel alive raises your frequency. Forcing yourself to do exercise that you don't like lowers your frequency.
* GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP - Sleep is vital for feeling good enough to be open to and connected with yourself, others and your spiritual Guidance. Being disconnected from ourselves lowers our frequency.
* DRINKING ENOUGH WATER - Being fully hydrated is vital to keeping your frequency high.
* BEING IN A PEACEFUL ENVIRONMENT - Being in nature, listening to music, and being around loving and accepting people raises your frequency.
* LOVE - Love and peace are the highest frequency feelings, so being loving to yourself and others, which creates inner peace, raises your frequency.
Like does attract like, so focus on keeping your frequency high and you will manifest your dreams!

Reprinted from
Margaret Paul, Ph.D

How To Build Self-Confidence

When I was in my late teens a friend of mine, an elite athlete, gave me the most profound, yet simple advice that changed the way I would view myself forever. He told me:
"You yourself have to think you're great because no one else is going to tell you that you are."
Translation - It means that we alone are responsible for building self-confidence. We cannot depend upon, or wait for anyone else's approval. We must see ourselves as worthy and capable of achieving anything we choose to achieve.
Ultimately, how we see ourselves is more important than how anyone else sees us.
If we don't work at loving and accepting ourselves, nothing anyone else thinks matters.


Tips For Building Self-Confidence

  • Acknowledge Your Uniqueness.
  • Believe in yourself and know that you are one of a kind. In the words of Walt Whitman know:
    "That you are here--that life exists, and identity;
    That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse."
    There is no one else like you on this planet. No one looks like you, has the same talents, experiences, or perspective as you do. You are unique and are therefore here to make your unique contribution. If we each focus on what we bring into the world to share, there can be no comparisons, envy or regret. We are here to "contribute a verse".
  • Give it Your Best.
  • When you do the best you can, with the best of what you've got, you can't help but feel good about yourself and that confidence comes through in everything that you do. Giving it your best makes you unafraid to take risks or step out of your comfort zone - both great confidence-builders. 
  • Persevere.
  • Everybody has setbacks and obstacles to contend with. Don't let them undermine your confidence. Treat them as opportunities to strengthen your resolve and then persevere. 
  • Overcome adversity.
  • Overcoming adversity builds and strengthens self-confidence. The greatest songs, works of art and literary pieces have been written by those who have experienced the depths of despair, loss and emptiness and overcame them. Experiencing sadness and loss, and then rising above them, gives rise to hope and triumph. It makes you stretch and become more than you were.
  • Accomplish something.
  • Set goals for yourself and then push yourself to reach them. Self-confidence soars when you know you can do what you put your mind to. It makes you feel unstoppable.  Likewise, achieve mastery. Mastery experiences are those in which you know you have worked hard and put in great effort to achieve success.
  • Separate Yourself From the Event.
  • You are not what happens to you, nor how you believe others see you. In other words, you are not defined by what happens to you, nor are you defined by how others see you. You are who you choose to be - a person of character, dignity and self-confidence.
  • Confront your fears.
  • There's nothing that destroys self-confidence more than succumbing to fear. Everyone feels fear at various times; we're human, however facing circumstances with courage and poise strengthens character and builds self-confidence. Put yourself out there! If you're afraid to meet new people, attend social events, etc. - don't stay home and fret. Doing builds confidence. Of course, you'll feel, and probably be awkward the first few times in new situations, however, the more you do it, the better you'll get, and therefore the better you'll feel about yourself. 
  • Good looks do not equal self-confidence.
  • Some of the most attractive people in the world are insecure and lack self-confidence. Marilyn Monroe was considered to be one of the sexiest, most beautiful people in the world, yet she lacked a positive self-image. She misguidedly allowed external factors, such as the approval of others, to determine her self worth. Good looks may help you feel good about yourself temporarily, but are by no means enough.
  • Take good care of yourself. When you are in fit, in good health, and make a point of looking your best, you can't help but feel confident. This is different, of course, from comparing your looks to others. It's about being comfortable with you. Everyone looks good when they're in good shape, well groomed, and healthy. You can't help but have a glow about you when you take good care of yourself.
  • Learn how to give yourself a pep talk.
  • We all have our down moments, moments of doubt, confusion and uncertainty. When that happens, we must learn how to restore  self-confidence. One way is to understand that everyone goes through such moments. Another is to remember past successes, visualize the desired outcome, and keep at it! Practice makes perfect.
Self-confidence is absolutely essential to achieving success in any endeavor. You acquire it by doing, learning, accomplishing, and persisting.




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